I've found the opposition to this solution has three general
- Values
- Taxes
- The "Black Hole" Effect
The premise of all of my arguments in these blog posts has
been that we are one big community who all use each other's services.
Some people do not see it that way. The farmer out in the Goodfare area may not
feel very connected to the folks in the City.
Her values may very well be different.
She might not care about her taxes funding a new park in the City, but
she cares very much about drainage problems in her ditches. The tow truck driver in the City may not
value having a seniors home in Hythe. Often
this debate is formed around urban vs. rural values.
A couple things to say to this:
First, I don't believe municipalities should be formed
around values. If we did, we would have
to have millions of them. We don't
create a "downtown" municipality for the urbanites or a "parks
& playgrounds" municipality for young families. Municipalities should be formed around
communities of people that interact with each other on a regular basis,
regardless of the diversity of values.
Even the farmer from Goodfare commutes to the City regularly for
supplies and the tow truck driver has to serve customers in Hythe.
Within communities there are many values. In a regional municipality you would want to
ensure that everyone's values are reflected at the Council table. This is why it would be crucial to have
representation from all over, so that issues like ditch drainage are not passed
over. In the Regional Municipality of
Wood Buffalo (which includes Fort McMurray and 9 smaller communities), Fort
McMurray elects 6 councillors and the remaining areas are divided into wards
which elect 4 councillors between them.
The mayor is elected at large by everyone. I could see the RM of GP having a similar setup.
Second, a large portion of the people in the County right
now are essentially living an urban lifestyle.
Living on a one-acre lot in Carriage Lane doesn't quite qualify as
"country living" in my books.
Even the subdivision with 3-acre lots I grew up on 20 minutes from the
city could hardly be called "rural".
Thus, I think that the belief that the County has a unique rural
identity and can better serve rural interests is greatly mistaken.
Third, you don't have to give up your lifestyle as part of a
specialized municipality. Some people
love living in small towns. Some people
love living on acreages. Some love
living in downtown condos. A specialized
municipality recognizes that there are these different values and helps ensure
everyone can live together no matter what their lifestyle is.
Reason 2: I don't want my taxes to go up.
Neither do I.
There are many scenarios which could play out with tax
rates. One scenario would be to equalize
all rates completely; it would look something like this:
There would be almost no change in farmland taxes. County businesses would only see a minimal
increase in their rates. County
residences would see their taxes raised by a couple points. With that said, in an amalgamation deal you
would likely have a phase in period so that all affected taxpayers would
gradually move to new regional rates over a period of say, 10 years.
As for the towns and village, there would only be minimal
changes as their current rates are in between the City's and County's right now
and are already close to what a regional rate would likely be. All City taxpayers, residential and business,
would see a decrease in their taxes as new regional mil rates would be a point
or two lower than current City rates.
But Rory, why should I have to pay more taxes if the costs
of delivery services to my acreage are less?
Good point. There are
some developments in the region that use much cheaper storm water management
systems (ie. ditches) and have lower transportation costs (ex. snow removal
costs are lower). To address this, you
could have a Rural Low Density tax rate for properties "x" distance
from the city that would be lower to address these differences.
Also, it's important to note that if a portion of the MD's
oil and gas revenues were included in the mix, there would be downward pressure
on everybody's taxes. With only 1/4 of the MD's linear and M&E
revenue, we could all enjoy the rates being paid by County residents now. No one's taxes would have to increase.
So there are many different scenarios which could play out
in a regional municipality. I believe
the best scenario would have to align the level of service a resident gets with
the amount of taxes they pay. It's all a
question of fairness.
The "Black
Hole" Effect
Reason 3: If we're a regional municipality, the bigger urban
centres would have the greatest level of representation, would dominate the
agenda, and get most the resources at the expense of outlying areas.
This is a legitimate concern in any merger. That the big partner ignores the little
My response:
There are a number of ways you would ensure this doesn't
Again, you would have representation from all areas, so all
areas would have a voice at the Council table.
You could also set up a system of discretionary funds
whereby each population centre would be ensured a certain amount of funding
each year.
In Strathcona County (which includes Sherwood Park, 8
hamlets, and lots of farmland), they make sure their committee structure
reflects the diversity of the municipality.
For example, it has an Agriculture Service Board to ensure the County's
rural policies do not escape Council's attention. Strathcona also has a Governance Advisory Committee which ensures bylaws
and policies are working for both urban and rural residents.
Strathcona has been an excellent model of what a regional
municipality could look like. And it
hasn't been Sherwood Park-centric. For
example, the tiny hamlet of Ardrossan (population: 434) just had a $21 million
dollar recreational facility built there to serve residents in the central part
of the municipality.
My personal viewpoint is that this wouldn't be much of an
issue. Most people in GP are connected
to other people in the area through business, family, history, etc. In my experience, people want the whole
region to thrive. They want the best
camping facilities, the best biking trails, the best roads, the best cultural
facilities. We truly function as one
community and I believe elected officials would support this vision.
There would certainly be many challenges in the creation and
operation of a regional municipality.
However, there are many creative minds in our region who would come up
with innovative solutions to each challenge.
Okay Rory...I think I know where you stand...but let's hear
it...what's the best solution?
Specialized Municipality.
If we want the region to grow sustainably and equitably, I
believe it is the ultimate solution. Financially
it makes sense, planning-wise it makes sense, and in terms of fairness, there
is no other solution that works as well.
My hope is that the other municipalities in the region would
see the value in combining our strengths to grow the region as one municipal
unit. We truly function as one
community. We shouldn't have to take
from one area to give to another and constantly be fighting over who gets
what. It just makes sense for our
municipal systems to be aligned with reality.
Our region is already aligned as one in many ways. Our Chamber of Commerce serves the region, we
have one Homebuilders Association, the GP Regional
College, the GP Regional Hospital,
and the Community Foundation of Northwestern Alberta which recently changed to
reflect its service to the region.
While a specialized municipality would be ideal in my view,
in the absence of a willingness from neighbouring municipalities or the
Province to explore the idea, I think a revenue sharing deal and regional planning reform would be the next
ideal solutions.
And now your turn...
Which solution or solutions do you feel will best address
the region's problems? What municipal system is going to best allow the region
to thrive?
Very informative, so much info, innovative, interesting, exciting. Quite possibly the best solution for the region and is something that should be debated and discussed at length